
Probably one of the best Chinese soccer info pages in the world.

Post Type: Link post

Content Strategy: Bring traffic to our site

Post Type: Link post.

Content Strategy: Games Highlight.

We have a template for this. After the game ends, we download the highlight and create the timeline immediately.

Post Type: Photo post

Content Strategy: Engagement post

Our goal is to prompt our audience to take action, thereby increasing our post engagement rate and enhancing our page quality ranking.

Post Type: Photo Post (Album)

Content Strategy: Informative Content

We will create an album filled with informative content, which our audience is likely to share. This will provide additional exposure and help us attract an audience with similar interests.

Post Type: Photo Post

Content Strategy: Like, Share, Tag


It was previously one of the best strategies for gaining a lot of traffic and brand awareness, while also delivering a good return on investment (ROI) campaign.